鹅合春胶囊是一种中草药成药壮阳药。含有鹿茸、人参、地黄、冰片、沙参,临床上可以改善肾阳虚引起的不孕症、腰膝酸软、阳痿、遗尿等。 brain and strengthening the heart, so it can be an appropriate choice in life, but it should be taken strictly under the guidance of a doctor, not blindly.
2023-01-04 74 0
鹅合春胶囊是一种中草药成药壮阳药。含有鹿茸、人参、地黄、冰片、沙参,临床上可以改善肾阳虚引起的不孕症、腰膝酸软、阳痿、遗尿等。 brain and strengthening the heart, so it can be an appropriate choice in life, but it should be taken strictly under the guidance of a doctor, not blindly.